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Tips for a Greener Fleet

Summer is slowly teasing us with some beautiful weather. So what better time to re-evaluate your businesses contribution to keeping our earth clean than now. We’ve done some research about what strategies companies are implementing to help make their business greener and more eco-friendly. Here are some tips we think could help you solve your mission to go green:

  • Focus on reducing your fleet fuel. We know this may be easier said than done, but it’s highly important. Reducing your fuel allows you to also reduce the emissions released from your vehicles.
  • Keep reports on trips. Recording and analyzing your Drivers routes gives you the opportunity to determine more effective and shorter routes for your Drivers to take.
  • Stay informed. Follow and attend conferences to help you develop new initiatives to make your fleet greener.
  • Ensure your fleet maintenance is up to date and your assets are properly maintained. This allows you to reduce and/or eliminate the risk of excessive emissions leaking from your assets.
  • Have a strong corporate social responsibility set in place with a green focus.

Go green, while on the go with AirIQ. We hope the tips above will help your business hit its goal to becoming a greener fleet. Implement AirIQ’s solution today to see it for yourself.

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